Monday, February 20, 2023 | Edition VFO

Podcast with Charlotte Herzig

span style="font-size: 12px; color: #222222;"Charlotte Herzig, _Love_ (miniature) und Light Fast (miniature), 2022 - Installation view of the current exhibition «Staging the Ordinary» in the Edition VFO

Spotlight Podcast
In the context of the exhibition «Staging the Ordinary» a new podcast with Charlotte Herzig has been released. In the conversation, the Brussels-based artist talks about her approach to painting, the specialty of lithography, and the role of color in her work.

For her edition, Charlotte Herzig has explored the aspect of the serial unique work, with watercolor, stamp printing and the canvas as a grid and background in her painting. In the center of each lithograph, she has inserted a small-format watercolor with luminous curvatures that make each sheet unique. This element functions as an anchor point in the dreamlike landscapes.

span style="font-size: 12px; color: #222222;">Charlotte Herzig during the production of her edition at the Wolfensberger lithographic print shop

The choreography and spontaneity that emerge in Charlotte Herzig's works are also central to the process of creating her large-format paintings. Without a preliminary sketch, the artist sets to work on the canvas and lets herself be guided by her intuition and physical sensations in a kind of improvisation. The artist often conceives murals that incorporate the architecture and enter into dialogue with works on canvas or paper.

span style="font-size: 12px; color: #222222;">Charlotte Herzig, exhibition view «I like a bigger garden» at the Museum of Art Lucerne, 2021. photo: Marc Latzel

In this view of the exhibition «I like a bigger garden» at the Museum of Art Lucerne, you can guess how Charlotte Herzig explores forms, color and background in her painting. Feel free to visit us at Edition VFO and see how this dialogue was transferred to lithography by Charlotte Herzig.